Recommending Learning & Development Systems to Monetise STREAT’s Training Programs


Researching and recommending platforms to service STREAT’s expansion into the workplace training market to empower other businesses and build a new revenue stream.


Qualitative Research

Building & Conducting Workshops


UX Researcher


STREAT, a work-readiness social enterprise in Victoria


L&D Team

Chief Impact Officer


Each year, STREAT holds a host of internal trainings to keep staff up to date on inclusive practices and working with young, vulnerable people. The company has identified an opportunity to offer these classes to other organisations.

The challenge is to identify a platform that can distribute and monetize the online portion of these trainings, allow live workshops, and still support the internal training program.


How might we deliver STREAT’s training programs to external audiences in a scalable way in order to educate more sector workers and increase revenue?

This challenge comes with a few notable constraints: the platform must include online marketing, bundling, and payment options, allow both independent and guided learning, and support existing internal staff training.


STREAT has a complex web of relationships with both internal and external stakeholders, so mapping these potential user groups was the first step in identifying platform needs.

We came up with four core groups - internal STAFF, partnering NFPs, partnering CORPORATES, and existing and potential clientele from the GENERAL PUBLIC. We then grouped these user types into two major categories - internal and external audiences - and explored their interests and needs from there.

The key stakeholders can be broken down into four groups:

  • STREAT staff

  • Sector Partners

  • Partnering Corporates

  • General Public


After identifying each group’s interests and needs, we examined what platform features would be necessary to support each group. To understand how these needs overlapped or differed between user groups, we assembled these needs into a matrix to search for the largest audiences with common requirements.

Next, we began searching for feature-rich yet cost-effective Learning Management Systems and outlining their features for comparison.

This is a hugely important step in order to keep expenditure down - we’re looking for the platform that can support key audience needs without breaking the bank. Keeping cost down and ease of setup are crucial elements of this project, so it’s essential to find a singular, easy to use platform that can support the most users.


Most LMS’s feature sets support either internal training OR external audiences, NOT BOTH

  • education and professional development platforms often offer progress tracking, assignments, and grading

  • course selling platforms typically support self-directed classes (no live sessions), sales funnels, marketing sites, and email marketing campaigns

Two options best serve STREAT’s needs:

  • 2 separate platforms for internal and external training

  • integrating multiple services to create the ideal feature set, rather than continuing to search for that in an existing LMS

Platform cost is either tied to the number of courses or the number of students

  • Digital course-selling platforms tie cost to courses and marketing funnels

  • Internal training platforms base cost on the number of employees enrolled



My investigation into user needs and available platforms lead the Chief Impact Officer to realise how different the internal and external training needs are, and to use the company’s existing subscription to Airtable to manage internal training tracking, and to start a trial with Kajabi for their external courses and marketing needs.


To further support this project, I would:

  • Assist the L&D team in building and testing their first marketing site and email marketing funnel

  • Assist the L&D team in building out their first course, delineating the independent and guided segments

  • Test the independent course segments with internal company staff before moving on to testing with partnering NFPs corporates.

Looking for a collaborator?

I’d love to hear about your business goals and design strategy needs. If you think we could make something great together, please reach out via the button below, or find me on LinkedIn and Dribbble!

Thanks again for reading, hope to hear from you soon!